Undercoat refers to a layer of paint that is applied before the final coat and sometimes after a coat of primer.
The undercoat is an important stage in painting a surface. It not only provides a smoother surface for the topcoat giving it a better finish easier application but can also assist in stopping the surfaces existing colour from bleeding through. The colour of the undercoat should mirror that of the overcoat. For pale and lighter colour use a lighter undercoat and of vide, colourers use a darker undercoat. The undercoat is also important to give the surface some extra protection.
It will help reduce the effects of light physical wear and tear such as denting and scraping as well as giving an extra layer to stop moisture from reaching the surface which can cause mould, rot or in the case of metal rust.
Acrylic is a term that refers to products that contain compounds derived from acrylic acid (for example Polyacrylonitrille and PMMA) is a glassy thermoplastic that can be used in adhesives, paint, fillers and coatings or can be cast and moulded. Acrylics are a collection of materials that pertain to a wide range of uses in […]
Undertone is a term that refers to the subtle colouration that is added to a paint mixture that can be seen under the primary colouration. The undertone may not be easily noticeable but is greatly affective on the overall mood of the paint. Undertones can make a painted surface feel warmer by using undertones of […]
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