Hiding power
Hiding power is a term that is used to describe paints ability to hide or cover a surface.
When used in reference to paint it describes how well it can obscure the surfaces original colour. Hiding power can also be referred to as Opacity or simply abbreviated into HP.
The level of hiding power paint has is affected by two main factors. Firstly hiding power is affected by the number of pigments used in the paint. Paint with more pigments that are properly dispersed (i.e. properly stirred) has better hiding power.
Secondly, hiding power is affected by its application. If over brushed and spread too thin or inadequate coats are applied paints can lose hiding power.
The easiest way to test paints hiding power, before applying it, is to use a hiding power chart. These are coloured cards that are sometimes patented which you apple the paint. Depending on how well it obscures the colour or Patten indicates its hiding power.
Graining is the process of creating an artificial hardwood grain on a surface. Graining can be used on wide range of materials including non-wood surfaces such as MDF or dry wall, as well soft wood that has a small grain. Graining has very little practical use so is solely for aesthetic purposes. If done properly […]
Architraves | Arcs are words that originate from the ancient Greek word epistyle used to describe the plaster feature at the top of columns. In modern architecture, an Architrave | Arcs is used to describe the moulding that rounds of walls, doorways or even windows. While Architrave is the correct team they can also go […]
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