
Welcome to our wooden window restoration glossary page! Here you will find definitions for all the technical terms used in relation to sash windows refurbishment. We hope you find this helpful! We've collected a list of common sash window terms and their definitions to help you better understand the specific content thought-out our website and blog. The Glossary section of the website can be useful for you to quickly understand the meaning of unknown terms about wooden windows. The sash window glossary is a list of terms and their definitions, which can help you understand the content of our website. In addition, the Glossary can provide you with links to related articles from our window restoration blog, so you can explore the subject in more depth. If you're ever unsure about a term or concept, be sure to check the Glossary first.

Hiding power

Hiding power

Hiding power is a term that is used to describe paints ability to hide or cover a surface.

When used in reference to paint it describes how well it can obscure the surfaces original colour. Hiding power can also be referred to as Opacity or simply abbreviated into HP.

The level of hiding power paint has is affected by two main factors. Firstly hiding power is affected by the number of pigments used in the paint. Paint with more pigments that are properly dispersed (i.e. properly stirred) has better hiding power.

Secondly, hiding power is affected by its application. If over brushed and spread too thin or inadequate coats are applied paints can lose hiding power.

The easiest way to test paints hiding power, before applying it, is to use a hiding power chart. These are coloured cards that are sometimes patented which you apple the paint. Depending on how well it obscures the colour or Patten indicates its hiding power.

Other terms

  • Undertone


    Undertone is a term that refers to the subtle colouration that is added to a paint mixture that can be seen under the primary colouration. The undertone may not be easily noticeable but is greatly affective on the overall mood of the paint. Undertones can make a painted surface feel warmer by using undertones of […]

  • Air-drying


    Air drying describes a product that naturally dries primarily because of its exposure to the air at room temperature. This is different to other products that might need heating or those that dry independently from the air. Air drying, although commonly used to describe paints, can also be used for glues, fillers and other products. […]

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