
Welcome to our wooden window restoration glossary page! Here you will find definitions for all the technical terms used in relation to sash windows refurbishment. We hope you find this helpful! We've collected a list of common sash window terms and their definitions to help you better understand the specific content thought-out our website and blog. The Glossary section of the website can be useful for you to quickly understand the meaning of unknown terms about wooden windows. The sash window glossary is a list of terms and their definitions, which can help you understand the content of our website. In addition, the Glossary can provide you with links to related articles from our window restoration blog, so you can explore the subject in more depth. If you're ever unsure about a term or concept, be sure to check the Glossary first.


Sheen is a term that is used to describe paints that have a lower level of gloss, therefore a lower amount of light that can be reflected

It is typically used as a descriptor when discussing paints that are categorised as satin, silk or eggshell along with others that have lower reflective properties to semi-gloss. If paint is described to have sheen, it can be expected to reflect about 15% – 40% of light.

These kinds of paints are good for walls and surfaces where high durability is needed, for example it would highly suit being used in kitchens or bathrooms. It still provides some protection against staining so would also be good to use in areas with high traffic such as hallways or living spaces.

This being said, the term heen’ can also be commonly interchanged with the term loss’ so it is important to look at the context when reading the description of the paint before making a choice.

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